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AstroNvim v4 is officially released! Upgrade today with the v4 migration guide!

πŸš€ Getting Started

AstroNvim Screenshot

AstroNvim is an aesthetically pleasing and feature-rich neovim config that is extensible and easy to use with a great set of plugins

⚑ Requirements

  • Nerd Fonts (Optional with manual intervention: See Recipes/Customizing Icons) [1]
  • Neovim v0.9.5+ (Not including nightly)
  • Tree-sitter CLI (Note: This is only necessary if you want to use auto_install feature with Treesitter)
  • A clipboard tool is necessary for the integration with the system clipboard (see :help clipboard-tool for supported solutions)
  • Terminal with true color support (for the default theme, otherwise it is dependent on the theme you are using) [2]
  • Optional Requirements:
    • ripgrep - live grep telescope search (<Leader>fw)
    • lazygit - git ui toggle terminal (<Leader>tl or <Leader>gg)
    • go DiskUsage() - disk usage toggle terminal (<Leader>tu)
    • bottom - process viewer toggle terminal (<Leader>tt)
    • Python - python repl toggle terminal (<Leader>tp)
    • Node - Node is needed for a lot of the LSPs, and for the node repl toggle terminal (<Leader>tn)

🧰 Installation

Our configuration template is an easy way to going with AstroNvim. The template provides a directory structure with the required files in place. Within the files some indication, through commented out code, of how to configure the feature. Here are the instructions for installing this template:

  1. Make a backup of your current nvim config (if exists)

    Terminal window
    mv ~/.config/nvim ~/.config/nvim.bak
  2. Clean neovim folders (Optional but recommended)

    Terminal window
    mv ~/.local/share/nvim ~/.local/share/nvim.bak
    mv ~/.local/state/nvim ~/.local/state/nvim.bak
    mv ~/.cache/nvim ~/.cache/nvim.bak
  3. Clone the repository

    Terminal window
    git clone --depth 1 ~/.config/nvim
    # remove template's git connection to set up your own later
    rm -rf ~/.config/nvim/.git

πŸ“¦ Setup

  • Install LSP

    Enter :LspInstall followed by the name of the server you want to install

    Example: :LspInstall pyright

  • Install language parser

    Enter :TSInstall followed by the name of the language you want to install

    Example: :TSInstall python

  • Install Debugger

    Enter :DapInstall followed by the name of the debugger you want to install

    Example: :DapInstall python

  • Manage plugins

    • Run :Lazy check (<Leader>pu) to check for plugin updates
    • Run :Lazy update (<Leader>pU) to apply any pending plugin updates
    • Run :Lazy sync (<Leader>pS) to update and clean plugins
    • Run :Lazy clean to remove any disabled or unused plugins
  • Update Mason packages and plugins

    Run :AstroUpdatePackages (<Leader>pa) to update both Neovim plugins and Mason packages

  • Check AstroNvim version

    Run :AstroVersion to display the currently installed AstroNvim version

  • Reload AstroNvim (EXPERIMENTAL)

    Run :AstroReload to reload the AstroNvim configuration and any new user configuration changes without restarting. This is currently an experimental feature and may lead to instability until the next restart.

✨ Features

πŸ”§ Configuration

To begin making customizations simply treat your nvim folder as your own Neovim configuration! This can be synced to a git repository to backup as well. AstroNvim is simply a plugin managed by the Lazy package manager that provides it’s own collection of plugins and their configurations.

πŸš€ The Starter Template

If you followed the instructions in this guide for installation, you are probably starting out with our template configuration. This comes with the following basic structure:

  • Directory~/.config/nvim/
    • init.lua bootstrap the lazy plugin manager
    • Directorylua/
      • community.lua import AstroCommunity plugin specs
      • lazy_setup.lua configure and setup lazy.nvim
      • Directoryplugins/ configure plugins
        • astrocore.lua
        • astrolsp.lua
        • astroui.lua
        • mason.lua
        • none-ls.lua
        • treesitter.lua
        • user.lua
        • … add more files here as needed
      • polish.lua file executed last with arbitrary Lua

At the top level is init.lua. This code bootstraps the configuration by installing lazy.nvim if it is not already installed and then calling lua/lazy_setup.lua to install and configure the AstroNvim and user plugins.

Looking a bit deeper, the plugins directory is where all plugins, except AstroNvim and AstroCommunity imports, are setup. The first three plugins are for the AstroNvim configuration. The next four plugins modify the configuration of a plugin that is part of AstroNvim (e.g.: treesitter.lua).

Each file in the plugins directory can specify the installation and configuration of one or more plugins. The template generally installs and configures a single plugin per lua file. Further, the name of the file generally matches the name of the plugin. The one exception is user.lua which has multiple plugins in it - but they could be split into separate files if you wish!

Be sure to check out the Configuration/Customizing Plugins page and the Lazy.nvim Documentation for more details in how to define and configure plugins using lazy.nvim.

There is nothing special about the template! It’s merely a quick way to get started, and, well, recommended to get you up and running quicker. Once you have a working configuration that may be the time when you start to move things around.

πŸ“¦ AstroCommunity

AstroCommunity is a plugin specification repository on GitHub. The specifications found there are configurations for many popular plugins that can be used to augment your configuration. There are also β€œlanguage packs” that are specifications for many programming lanaguages. These are a good way to get setup with a set of tools for the languages that you are using.

return {
-- Add the community repository of plugin specifications
-- example of importing a plugin
-- available plugins can be found at
{ import = "astrocommunity.colorscheme.catppuccin" },
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.rust" },
{ import = "astrocommunity.pack.python" },